Dear Parent /Carer,
Our Year 10 Parents’ Evening will take place on Thursday 13 January 2022 from 3pm–6.30pm. However, owing to the current restrictions this will be held ‘virtually’ via online video conferencing. This will be an opportunity to meet your child’s subject teachers and to discuss their progress.
To arrange your ‘virtual’ appointments, please visit and log in using the contact details which you have provided to the school when prompted. You will also need to confirm your child’s date of birth. This is essential to gain access to the site. Should you have more than one child in Year 10, you will need to do this for each child.
A more detailed guide on how to book your appointments is attached and is also available on the latest news section of the school’s website and this video gives an introduction to the system.
Ordinarily, parents evening appointments are scheduled for five minutes but, at times, these overrun. However, I wish to point out that the ‘virtual’ meetings will cut out automatically after 5 minutes. Staff will have a timer visible to manage the time as well as possible. However, I trust you will appreciate that with many appointments being made on the evening, this will help the event run as smoothly as possible. There are a limited number of appointments, just as there would be on a normal parents evening. Naturally, should you feel you need to discuss your child’s progress further, then please contact your child’s subject teacher or your child’s Head of Year Mrs Barton, via email to
Should you have any difficulties using the system, please contact the main school office at or (029) 2085 2504. We would be keen to hear about your experience of this new system and any comments can be sent via the email listed above.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and we look forward to meeting you on the 13 January.
Yours sincerely,
Mr C Bown
Deputy Headteacher