We encourage and reward excellent attendance.
School starts at 8.35 a.m. and finishes at 2.55 p.m. Registers close at 9.00 a.m.
If you cannot attend school, your parents/carers must ring before 9.00 a.m. on the first day of absence.
When you return, your parent/carer must write a note explaining your absence.
If your attendance falls below 95% you will be contacted to discuss any issues and to see if we can support you to improve this.
If your attendance falls below 85% the Education Welfare Officer, Mrs Belinda Pewtner, will contact parents/carers to discuss this.
You must come to school on time.
If you are late, you must report to the Attendance Clerk in the Heads of Year office. You will be given a slip to take to your Head of Year.
Lateness will result in a detention from your form tutor and your parents/carers will be contacted.
If you are persistently late, you will be placed on a punctuality report and will do after school detention.
Authorised and Unauthorised Absences
The following absences may be authorised
- Sickness (questions may be asked if you are frequently absent for illness)
- Medical or dental appointment ( where possible these should be arranged outside school hours)
- Days of religious observance.
- Exceptional family circumstances e.g. bereavement.
The following absences will not be authorised
- Looking after brothers or sisters
- Shopping
- Birthdays
- Family holidays or days out