Our Designated Safeguarding Officer is Mr Lee Dickinson, and in his absence, Mr Ceri Bown and Mrs Hannah Evans are our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officers.
Click here to visit the NSPCC Keeping Children Safe website
CLICK HERe to access the NSPCC report remove service
The NSPCC's Report Remove service is here to help young people under 18 in the UK to confidentially report images and videos of themselves and remove them from the internet.
This collection of guides provides parents and carers with key information about the most popular social media and gaming apps children and young people are using today.
The CEOP website is a trusted source of advice and support with internet safety issues. You can find out more about topics and report anything you are worried about using this link.
School nurses are specialised qualified experienced professionals that work across health and education boundaries.
They work with individual children, young people and families, schools and communities to improve health.
They also provide the link between school, home and the community. They are supported with a team of Registered Nurses and Health Care Support Workers.
CCBC provide a range of support through their Families First service – further details can be found here.
Please click here for details of Young peoples drop-in clinics
Click here to visit Gwent N-gage: A young persons drug and alcohol service offering free and confidential support throughout Newport, Torfaen, Monmouthshire, Caerphilly and Blaenau Gwent.
Please click here for information on Exam stress.
In line with our whole school vision of aspiration and achievement for all pupils, we continue to do all we can to ensure that students don’t miss out on an education because they are young carers. Currently St Cenydd is working towards the Young Carers in School Award.
The Young Carers in Schools programme helps schools to improve outcomes for young carers and celebrates good practice through the Young Carers in Schools Award.
Young carers are responsible for emotional, practical or physical care for a parent, sibling or other family member who has a physical disability, mental health issue or substance misuse issue. Statistics reveal that approximately one in 12 school children are young carers, many of whom are unrecognised and unsupported.
We continue to work incredibly hard in school to identify our young carers and to ensure that they have access to any support that they might need.
We continue to demonstrate that we support our young carers in many ways at St Cenydd, including homework support opportunities and drop-in sessions with the young carers advocate in school, Miss Allaway. Vital information about how to identify potential young carers is made available to all staff and notice boards around school let students know where they can go for help.
If you would like to discuss support for young carers at St Cenydd or if you feel as though someone you know might be a young carer, please contact Mr Dickinson or Miss Allaway at school.
Link to Young Carers in Caerphilly.
Public Health Wales Launches Vaping Guidance for Parents and Carers
Young People and Vaping - Information for parents and carers is for parents and carers to help them get a clear and evidence-based understanding of vaping amongst children and young people in Wales. The guidance includes up-to-date information on the health impacts of vaping and how many children and young people are currently vaping in Wales, as well as practical advice on how to spot the potential signs of vaping, and how to approach a conversation about it.
For more details, visit the Public Health Wales website