Summary of plans for use of the PDG - Pupil DeVELOPMENT Grant
The total number of pupils on school roll for September 2019 is 1,048.
The school’s FSM population is 25.3% (3 year average).
The total allocation of PDG to this school for 2019-2020 is £280,600.
The school undertakes the following activities in order to support pupils facing the challenges of poverty and deprivation
Two members of staff with additional responsibility to ensure additional literacy and numeracy provision and intervention for e-FSM pupils and vulnerable pupils
Member of staff to provide additional nurture and support provision for the wellbeing of e-FSM and vulnerable pupils
Education Other Than At School associated costs for e-FSM pupils
Four members of staff with responsibility for improving attendance, engagement, behaviour and motivation
Associated training costs for teaching and support staff in order to develop and ensure strategic common approach for reducing the impact of disadvantage on attainment
Additional curricular provision and support materials for e-FSM and other vulnerable pupils
The school’s PDG and EIG Plans are regularly scrutinised by the Governing Body, supported by advice from the EAS and monitored by the Local Authority.