In order for pupils to make outstanding progress, there must be rigorous and meaningful assessment in place. This should be used to let pupils know exactly how they can improve their work. Part of the aim of assessment is for pupils to develop the skill of self-analysis in order to generate academic improvement.
There are various forms of assessment. The main two are formative and summative assessment.
Formative assessment takes place in all learning activities and helps shapes learning and teaching as it provides regular and meaningful feedback both to the teacher and the learner. This feedback can be through a variety of different methods ranging from discussion to written feedback. Pupils regularly involved in formative assessment and will develop skills to help them to assess their work and set challenging targets for improvement. Teachers will also provide pupils/students with meaningful formative assessment comments which will include clear targets for improvement (that the student will be given an immediate opportunity to act upon) and also celebrate areas of strength.
It is our aim that each pupil will be able to identify what they are doing well and what they must do to further improve within each subject.
Summative assessments are used for a number of purposes and once again, these assessments are used (where possible) to enable both teachers and pupils to develop next steps for learning.
When are these reported to parents?
The school provides parents with an interim report on a half termly basis. These reports include the level / grade that pupils are currently working at as well as an effort grade. Staff monitor pupil performance in order to take action to help pupils make greater progress if pupils are deemed to be making less progress than expected.
In addition to these half termly interim reports, each year group receives one full report in the summer term and one parents’ evening during the course of the academic year.