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St. Cenydd Community School

St. Cenydd Community School

Aspire & Achieve

On March 7th, we took 48 Year 7 pupils to Llangrannog, with the help of 2 Year 12 pupils.  Everyone had a fantastic time taking part in a wide range of activities throughout the weekend.  We tried a new activity this year; the jump bag.  Pupils had to jump from a tower onto a giant inflatable from 3 increasingly higher levels; they were very brave. Mrs Evans and Mrs McCullough didn’t make it past level 1!  We were lucky enough to have great weather and to be able to walk to Llangrannog beach; the pupils couldn’t believe the views as we walked over the mountain.  Once on the beach, pupils enjoyed an ice cream before walking back to the camp; we were the first school this year to experience the ice cream, and it was wonderful!  All in all, a very successful visit.