Following an in depth period of study on the life and works of Cardiff born author Roald Dahl, with our Yr.8 and 9 SRB students, we set off to discover more information from the area in which he grew up, Llandaff.
We were thrilled to begin our visit at his old school, The Cathedral School in Llandaff, where we were fortunate enough to spend time with school archivist, Ms. Louise Mumford.
Ms. Mumford allowed us to view some wonderful artefacts from Roald Dahl's time there which included handwritten letters, old school photographs, class registers and original uniform from the time. She also shared several stories and insights of his time as a 'Llandaffian.'
Following this, we were treated to a tour of the immediate area by Mrs Beth Spear, ALNCO at the Cathedral School but also a past member of teaching staff at the SRB in St. Cenydd. Included in the tour was a photo opportunity outside the famous Mrs Pratchets sweet shop, where Roald hid a dead mouse in a jar of sweets before being caught and punished severely by his Head Teacher. We were also allowed access to Llandaff Cathedral and time to watch rehearsals for their upcoming Christmas concert.