Dear Parent / Carer
Re: Estyn Inspection Report
Following the inspection of the school in November 2019, the Estyn report for St Cenydd is published today. I am delighted to inform you that the school is judged to be ‘good’ in all five inspection areas: standards; wellbeing and attitudes to learning; teaching and learning experiences; care, support and guidance; and leadership and management.
In summary, the report states that
St Cenydd School has a warm, nurturing and inclusive ethos. It fosters well pupils’ sense of community and belonging. In particular, pupils learn to value and respect each other’s contribution to school life as a result of careful integration with the specialist resource centre and close work with a local special school.
Leaders regard for the wellbeing and professional learning of staff is a strong feature. They have focused successfully on improving the quality of teaching and inclusion through the provision of high-quality professional learning experiences. Consequently, relationships between staff and pupils are purposeful and strong. Provision for the development of pupils’ literacy and numeracy skills, and the ongoing evaluation of this aspect of the school’s work, is developing suitably.
The sensitive support and beneficial guidance provided by the school ensure that nearly all pupils thrive. Many make strong progress from their starting points during their time at the school, particularly the more able and those with special educational needs (SEN).
There is so much to celebrate throughout the report, with commentary recognising the nurturing and supportive conditions for learning in St Cenydd, the strong support that pupils receive in the school’s sensitive and nurturing environment, the notable feature of our teaching being the strong working relationships that exist between staff and pupils, and that we have high aspirations for our pupils and set ambitious goals.
Considerable improvement has been made since the school was last inspected in 2013. All pupils, staff and governors are to be congratulated on the progress made. The whole school community should be very proud of what has been achieved. You will not be surprised to know that we collectively remain ambitious for even further improvement!
A copy of the full report is available on Estyn’s website, on our school website, or as a paper copy from the school on request. I hope that you will read the full report which details the many successful areas of the work of the school, and that you will be as delighted as we are with the outcome.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Miss Rebecca V Collins