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St. Cenydd Community School

St. Cenydd Community School

Aspire & Achieve

We operate an inclusive policy with regard to Additional Learning Needs (ALN) provision. All pupils are given equal access to every aspect of the school. There is one distinct ALN group in each key stage 3 year group, which provides a greater teacher/pupil ratio. Pupils are placed in this group on transition if their primary school recommends it. Some ALN pupils will, according to their need, be placed in other teaching sets if this is more appropriate for their ability.  The discrete ALN group operates in the same way as the other key stage 3 teaching groups and has full access to departments and subject specialists. At Key stage 4 ALN pupils have access to the same options as all pupils. All pupils are encouraged to take options suitable to their ability level and a range of options at different levels are offered.  ALN pupils will, in compulsory subjects, be placed in sets and teaching groups commensurate to their academic ability.

The school has a team of Learning Support Assistants (LSA’s) who are involved in providing a range of interventions.   These interventions will be tailored to meet the specific needs to pupils but will include literacy and numeracy interventions as well as a range of interventions to meet other needs, such as developing greater emotional literacy.

Pupils who have a statement of  specific educational need may also, if stipulated in their statement, receive specific support from LSA’s provided by the local authority.

Additional Learning Needs Reform in Wales - Information for parents and carers.

New aLN BIll and code

A New ALN Bill and Code of Practice has come into effect from September 2020. In St.Cenydd we are implementing the changes in a number of ways. We recognise the importance of parents as stakeholders in their children's education. The ALN reform will be fully implemented by September 2024. 


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One page profiles and Person Centred Review (PCP's)

Information about the One Page Profile can be found in the documents below.


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Individual Development Plans (IDP's)

You may be used to your child receiving an IEP, this will be changing and some children will be supported through an Individual Development Plan, known as an IDP. Further information can be found in the documents below.

Qualifications in Wales Parent and Carer forum

Qualifications in Wales are looking for parents of pupils with ALN to feed into their parent forum on the qualifications in wales. Click here for further information.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding this via email or