If you are a resident of Caerphilly Borough County Council and receive any of the following you may be able to claim free school meals for your child:
- Income Support
- Income Based job seekers allowance
- Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Income related Employment and Support Allowance
- Child Tax Credit, provided you are not entitled to Working tax Credit and your income does not exceed £16,190
- Guarantee element of State Pension Grant
- Working tax Credit ‘run on’
- Universal Credit
Please apply on-line here or telephone 01443 864055
At St Cenydd Community School we operate a cashless, fingerprint system. Once your request has been processed by the Council our system automatically tops up your child’s account each day.
You may also be eligible for a School Uniform Grant of £105 if your child is starting in Year 7, and is eligible for Free School Meals. Please contact the school for details.