The St. Cenydd School Senedd is an assembly of appointed pupil representatives to express their opinions about the school, to voice their opinion on how it can be improved, as well as undertake research and collaborative work through a committee structure to bring about change.
The Senedd consists of six pupils from each year group, one appointed through the winning of the Headteacher Cup in the previous academic year, with the other five being appointed following an application/interview process. The Head Boy and Head Girl of the school act as the Llafar (speakers) during half-termly whole school Senedd sessions overseen by the Cadeirydd (Chairperson), the Headteacher.
Between whole school Senedd sessions, Senedd members sit on committees working alongside nominated members of staff, to draft a white paper for consideration and voting/ratification by the whole school Senedd in the next whole Senedd session. Committees include those looking at healthy eating, the school exterior environment as well as development of skills.